Regions and Societies
Membership in your local Region is not mandatory but is highly encouraged. National members may opt to join one (or more) of our 26 Regions across North America. Regions offer members the opportunity to participate in driving tours (usually lasting one day to a weekend), outings to museums, and dinners. RROC Regions also host technical gatherings where members meet with fellow enthusiasts who have similar cars and interests. Regions also publish newsletters on a regular basis and are a tremendous source of information on where to find local parts, service or cars for sale. Each group has a separate, additional membership fee.
Login with your username & password then select the links in the menu on the left to discover more information about what our Regions have to offer you.
Societies are special interest groups that focus on a specific model or era of Bentley or Rolls-Royce motor cars. The Societies hold social gatherings, technical seminars, tours, and support National activities. Groups include the Derby Bentley Society, Phantom I Society, Phantom II Society, Goshawk (Small Horsepower) Society, Early Post War Society, Silver Cloud/Bentley S Society, and our largest group - the Modern Car Society. Each group has a separate, additional membership fee.
Login with your username & password then select the links in the menu on the left to learn more about what our Societies have to offer you.
Contributions or Gifts to the Rolls-Royce Owners' Club are not tax deductable as charitable donations. Likewise any level of membership dues paid to the Club may not be deducted as charitable donations.