Executive Committee

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the RROC shall have the responsibility and authority for urgent affairs of the Club or as directed by the Board. The Committee shall make decisions that require immediate action in the absence of the Board of Directors and use prudent judgment in determining what actions need to be taken. The Committee will manage any budget created for activities of the Executive Committee. Procedures:

1. The Executive Committee of the Club shall consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.

2. Ex-officio member of the Executive Committee shall include the immediate Past President and the Executive Director. Ex-officio members have no voting privileges in the Executive Committee meetings.

3. The Committee shall keep the Board of Directors fully informed as to any action taken by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Board.

4. Meetings shall be called by the President or upon the request of any two members of the Executive Committee.

2024 / 2025 Committee as follows:
Marilyn Turner – President
Richard Vaughan– Vice President
Jon Waples – Treasurer
Gil Fuqua – Secretary
John Sweney – Past President