Membership Categories
Primary Member - Primary Members shall enjoy all privileges of membership including the right to vote and a subscription to The Flying Lady magazine. New members living in North America receive a free one-year membership in their local Region. New Members may (and are encouraged to) join more than one Region or Club Society. New members must pay a one-time initiation fee of $30. Annual dues for members who reside in the United States are $110. Annual dues for members who reside in Canada are $135. Annual dues for members who reside outside of North America are $160.
Spouse/Partner Member - The Spouse/Partner of any Primary Member qualifies for Spouse/Partner Membership. Spouse/Partner members do not receive a printed copy of The Flying Lady or other Club publications. A Spouse/Partner Member has the right to vote and may hold a National or Regional office. Annual Spouse/Partner member dues are $10.
Life Member - Life Members shall enjoy all privileges of membership including the right to vote and a subscription to The Flying Lady magazine. Primary Members who have belonged to the Club for at least 10 years are eligible to become Life Members. Lifetime Membership dues are 20 times the current annual dues amount for Primary Members.
International Digital Member - A member residing outside of North America (not applicable for residents of the USA or Canada) who enjoys all privileges of membership including the right to vote, a subscription to The Flying Lady in digital format, and elects to receive all Club information in digital format. Annual International Digital Member dues are $45. There is no initiation fee for new International Digital Members.
Junior Member - Youth under the age of eighteen years qualify for Junior Membership. Junior membership includes a subscription to The Flying Lady magazine. A Junior Member shall not have the right to vote. Junior Membership shall not count towards Lifetime Membership. Annual Junior Member dues are $15.00. There is no initiation fee for Junior Members.
Contributions or gifts to the Rolls-Royce Owners' Club are not tax deductible as charitable donations. Likewise, any level of membership dues paid to the Club may not be deducted as charitale donations.