Trademark Usage
Trademark Usage
As many of you are aware, the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club uses in its name, logos, publications and certain Club merchandise that include the trademarks of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. The Club was permitted to use these names, logos and merchandise under a license from Rolls-Royce plc. Rolls-Royce plc licensed these rights to use the Rolls-Royce name and trademarks for automotive use to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. Recently the Club entered into a license agreement with Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited (‘RRMC’). We are fortunate to be able to use these marks in connection with our Club activities and specific types of Club merchandise, and our Club would face difficulties if we did not have such a license. As with any license, we have a number of obligations which we must follow to maintain the license. Since we have recently renewed our license agreement with RRMC, it is appropriate that we review those obligations. These limitations are separate and apart from any limitations on the use of Bentley and other Bentley trademarks.
Correct Usage
RROC and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars have prepared a very useful set of guidelines. Each Region/Society Chair and Editor should be familiar with the "May Do” and “May Not Do” of trademark usage. Please Click Here to review the document. RROC’s agreement does not extend to individual members.
Ensuring that the trademark is used ONLY as appropriate and as authorized helps to prevent dilution of the brand. Protection of the trademark is an ongoing activity. When required, Rolls-Royce plc and RRMC have gone to various courts to enforce the trademarks. Click on any of the following links for further information:
Court Cases
- Rolls-Royce plc v. Internet Billions Domains, Inc.
- Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited v. Lazarus Essulat
- Rolls-Royce PLC v. Hallofpain
- Rolls-Royce Motors Limited v. Custom Cloud Motors Inc
- Rolls-Royce Motors Ltd v. A & A Fiberglass Inc
RROC willingly assists Rolls-Royce plc in the protection of the Rolls-Royce trademarks. Members are encouraged to report any business or individual who appear to not be using the Rolls-Royce trademarks as intended by Rolls-Royce plc. To do so, please send an email to