Judging and Awards Committee
The chairman of the Judging and Awards Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors and shall be known as the Chief Judge. To qualify as the Chief Judge the member must have served for at least two (2) years on the Judging Committee. The Chief Judge may serve for a maximum term of six (6) consecutive one (1) year terms. The member is allowed to be reappointed as Chief Judge after an absence of one (1) year. The Chief Judge’s term would expire December 31st of each year or until such time as the Board appoints a new Chief Judge.
The Ombudsman is appointed by the Board of Directors. Committee members include the Team Captains, Senior Judges and others as may be appointed by the Chief Judge.
Develop and maintain the Manual for Judges, which contains the policies and procedures governing the judging of cars.
Develop and maintain score sheets for judging of cars
Recruit judges
Appoint judging team captains and senior judges
Develop and conduct training for judges
Manage the judging process at RROC National Meets
Coordinate presentation of awards
Coordinate the program for the final banquet and awards ceremony at National Meets.
Maintain all permanent trophies
Arrange for display of trophies at National Meets
Recommend to the Board for Approval all Named Judging Awards
Assist as needed in the procurement and presentation of non-judging awards under the jurisdiction of other committees.
Monitor and administer the budgets for Judging and for Awards
Recommend changes to the policies and procedures for Judging and Awards.
Bartley Millett – Judging Chairman
Marilyn Turner - Awards Chairperson