
The Legal Committee shall provide advice, recommendations, and consultation regarding various legal issues in an effort to minimize the Club’s legal obligations and risks; protect the legal interests of RROC; and formulate legal policies to ensure the Club practices and procedures are consistent with legal requirements. The Legal Committee shall periodically review the Policy for production of documents, Policy for conflict of interest, and the Policy for retention of documents in Legal Section 700 of the Policies and Procedures Manual. The Committee shall prepare and recommend to the Board the Policies and Procedures, which should be included as a part of the operations of this Committee, the RROC and its members. Manage any budget given to, and approved, by the Board for the Committee's use.

Applicable Law

RROC is incorporated in the state of New York and therefore applies New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.

Committee Members

The Legal Committee should consist of at least three attorneys who can provide a broad perspective on sound legal principles. The chairman should coordinate the various legal matters that arise, delegating certain issues to particular committee members depending upon the area of law and the time/expertise needed for particular matters. The Board appoints the Chairman of the Legal Committee. The Chairman nominates the Committee Members. The Board approves the Members of this committee.

Committee Reports
The Legal Committee should report directly to the president for all legal matters, and to other Officers/Directors as necessary. The Legal Committee should provide either a written or verbal report to the full board periodically and as needed. Matters of particular urgency or confidentiality should be addressed directly to the President and/or Executive Committee, depending upon the time constraints and sensitivity of the matter at issue.

Any and all matters addressed by the Legal Committee which are related to threatened or pending litigation are considered attorney-client privilege. Such privilege may only be waived by or with the authority of the President, or by a vote of the Board. Therefore, board communications or meetings dealing with threatened or pending litigation shall remain confidential; and the records of such communications or meetings shall be sealed until such time as all issues related to the threatened or pending litigation have been resolved.

Marty Leavitt – Committee Chairman