Regions and Societies

The Board appoints the Chairman of the Regions and Societies Committee. The Chairman appoints the Members of this Committee. The Committee shall have at least four total members.

Provide a framework of support, products and services to facilitate the effective and efficient operation of all affiliated Regions and Societies.

Solicit and receive all reports of Regions and Societies as required by the RROC Board of Directors.

Receive and review operating policies and procedures of Regions and Societies and the changes hereto for approval by the Board.

Initiate corrective action in the event that a Regions or Society is not in compliance with RROC Bylaws, Policies and Procedures.

Administer the Shoup Award.

Implement and manage communications relevant to the operation of Regions and Societies.

Prepare and recommend to the Board the Policies and Procedures which should be included as a part of the operations of this Committee, the RROC and its members.

Manage any budget created for activities of the Regions and Societies Committee.

Develop and produce a Manual of recommended operational policies and procedures for Regions and Societies for approval by the Board of Directors.

Review and oversight of Regions and Societies websites.

Review and approve all Region and Societies logo and the use of Rolls-Royce, Bentley and RROC logos and trademarks in accordance with the Club’s license agreement with Rolls-Royce plc.

Jeff Trepel- Committee Chairman